Seeking more information? Kindly leave us a message using the form below and we will respond back within three business days.
What if I have allergies or other dietary restrictions?
We take allergies and dietary restrictions very seriously and adapt our program based upon each participants dietary requirements. Please indicate whether or not you have any allergies other dietary restrictions on the application form for each program. If you have any food requirements, we will arrange for your food on the day of the program.
How do I register for a program?
Please click on the application link for each program. If you have any questions, please feel contact us.
Do you offer programs in English?
Yes, we have English-speaking staff so English programs are available. ODYSSEY also offers international programs as we have staff with extensive overseas experience.
Can parents observe?
No. For children programs we value creating a space for children outside of parental influence. We do this to encourage our child participants to develop their own ideas and thought processes. Therefore, we kindly ask parents to only drop-off and pick-up their children.
We have separate adult-only and parent-child programs, so please check the eligibility for each program. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any other concerns.
How are injuries / emergencies handled?
We will provide first-aid for minor injuries. For serious injuries or those requiring transportation to a hospital, a 119 call will be made immediately followed by transportation to a nearby emergency hospital. In the event of an injury or emergency in the children program, we will contact the parent/guardian's phone number as soon as possible.
ODYSSEY programs may involve the use of fish hooks, firewood, fire, and knives. While our staff will do their utmost to ensure safety, this program respects the individual autonomy of all our participants, including the children, and their willingness to challenge themselves. Therefore, please understand that some abrasions and other light injuries may occur.
*Please note that we require a signed liability waiver and we reserve the right to deny participation.